Autism Partnership provides services to autistic children and their families. They are holding a free FREE talk for parents /carers on understanding what meaningful progress is for children with autism - what it looks like, what kind of indicators to look out for and also how to understand their child's learning profile.
Details: Wednesday 3 May | 6.00 pm- 7.30 pm
Harris Park Community Centre
Harris Park, Western Sydney
Join Karen McKinnon, Psychologist and Autism Partnership’s National Clinical Director, to explore if your child is making meaningful progress with their ongoing therapy/intervention for autism.
Meaningful progress - what does it look like? Key indicators to look out for.
Your child’s profile - and what their learning needs may be.
5 main factors that influence the effectiveness of early intervention.
When might more intensive support be beneficial?
Funding options when your child needs additional support.
Places are limited, book your spot today. Visit
Click on the QR code or call us on 1300 227 981